
Every Single Final Fantasy Fan Should Play FFXIV

Hey, you there. Gal or guy who loves Final Fantasy but has spent your entire life avoiding the MMOs because they’re, well, MMOs. Here’s some advice: Go play Final Fantasy XIV.
“But wait,” you might say. “Isn’t it one of those big grindy multiplayer games? Don’t I have to pay monthly? I’ll stick to single-player RPGs, thanks very much.”
OK. I mean, do what you want. But if you like Final Fantasy at all, you’d be remiss not to at least give Final Fantasy XIV a chance. It’s a big online multiplayer game, yes, but it’s also got everything you’d want from a Final Fantasy: an interesting story, a genuine sense of humor, a big fantasy world to explore, fun character classes, tons of quests, chocobos, etc. The writing is surprisingly good for a game with so much dialogue, and the music is straight-up incredible. (For real.)

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Most importantly for JRPG fans, you can play it all by yourself. You’ll have to join a party for the dungeons and bosses, sure, but FFXIV will match you up with random people pretty seamlessly. From what I’ve seen so far, it’s easy to stay anti-social and play through the game at your own pace, exploring and questing in whatever order you’d like. The world of Eorzea is huge and constantly rewarding; once you get past the rather atrocious user interface (at least on PS4), it’s a treat to wander around there.
Let me give you some quick history. For a long time, I also avoided the multiplayer Final Fantasys. Short of a pre-pubescent MUD obsession and a brief World of Warcraft binge back in 2005, MMORPGs were never really my thing. I’ve always preferred to spend my time playing as many new games as possible rather than letting one game consume my life. (Well, there’s Destiny, but that doesn’t count.)
Yet. Yet! Ever since FFXIV got rebooted as A Realm Reborn and people like Fahey wouldn’t stop raving about it, I’ve always been tempted to dig into the fourteenth Final Fantasy. Earlier this year, I did just that, leveling up a Thaumaturge (aka black mage) and Gladiator (aka paladin) before other games stole my attention. Then, while on vacation this week, I jumped back in, and all of a sudden I’m hooked again. I love the story, the music, the visuals. I love meeting all the quirky new characters and fighting giant summoned bosses like Ifrit. I love riding goddamned chocobos.
Perhaps the biggest issue with Final Fantasy XIV is that, like World of Warcraftand many other big MMOs, you’ll need a subscription to play it. You’ll get the first 30 days for free; after that, you’ll have to pull out the credit card and commit to a subscription, which is a real bummer because it gives you this looming feeling that you have to play FFXIV at all times or else you’re wasting your money.
Still, if you like Final Fantasy but have never cared to play the MMOs, take my word for it: Even as a single-player game, FFXIV is great. Also, you can play Triple Triad with strangers and NPCs. If that isn’t enough to pique your interest, then, well, you’re not a Final Fantasy fan.

'Final Fantasy XIV' (ALL) Launches Free Login Campaign

Eorzea, an awe-inspiring land of endless possibilities. Whether you choose to battle fierce creatures in the wilderness, fashion the ultimate blade in the forge, or swap tall tales in the local tavern, the history of Final Fantasy XIV will be shaped by your actions. Choose from an exotic variety of races, looks and classes to fashion your hero. Change classes simply by equipping a different weapon or tool and tackle an ever-changing assortment of levequests alone or with friends.
Buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil http://www.mmoxe.com/FFXIV/

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The age of adventure has begun.
Patch 3.1 has ushered in a multitude of new adventures in the realm of Eorzea. In the hope that would-be adventurers can experience all that Final Fantasy XIV has to offer, we are pleased to announce the upcoming Free Login Campaign! If you or any of your friends are currently taking a break from your adventures in Eorzea, you won't want to miss out on this limited-time event!
Free Login Campaign Overview
Users possessing a valid Square Enix account who meet the following conditions will be able to play Final Fantasy XIV free of charge during the Campaign:
Users who have previously purchased and registered Final Fantasy XIV.
All registered services accounts are set as inactive during the campaign period.
Registered service account must have been inactive for at least thirty days.
* Details of service accounts can be confirmed via the Final Fantasy XIV: Mog Station.
Campaign Schedule
From Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 12:00 a.m. to Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 6:59 a.m. (PST)
Free Login Period
Four days including the day on which users first log in. This period ends on the fourth day at 11:59 p.m. (local time)
* Please note that a subscription to FFXIV is required to continue playing after the event period.
Client Download
If you have yet to install the game, please download the official client software.
If you or any of your friends are currently taking a break from your adventures in Eorzea, you won't want to miss out on this limited-time event!

Notes Regarding the Free Login Campaign
  • The free login period begins after logging in via the game launcher using your Square Enix user name and password.
  • Including the day on which you first log in, the free login period lasts approximately four days. For example, players who log in on December 2, 2015 at 12:00 a.m. can play free of charge until December 5, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. However, because the campaign ends on Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 6:59 a.m. (PST), players who begin playing on December 28, 2015 will not be able to play the full ninety-six hours.
  • Players who are logged in when their free login period expires will be forcibly logged out from the game.
  • Players with multiple service accounts registered to a single Square Enix account cannot participate if at least one of the accounts is currently active.
  • Service accounts that have been canceled or suspended due to a violation of the service agreement cannot participate.
  • Players who purchase a subscription during their free login period will forfeit the remaining duration of said period.
  • Players cannot log in using a platform on which their service accounts have not been registered.
  • Players can log in using all platforms on which their service account has been registered.
  • When attempting to participate in the free login campaign using a Square Enix account with multiple service accounts, the free login period will be valid only for the first service account selected upon logging in. Please note that you may be unable to participate in the free login campaign with more than one service account at a time. If you cannot log in using a second service account even after meeting all other requirements, we ask that you wait for the free login period to expire on your first service account and try again.


Play Final Fantasy XIV for free for four days

Are you a lapsed Final Fantasy XIV player? Did you try it out, only to find it didn’t quiteclick with you, or maybe you clocked hundreds of hours and, unfortunately, have been unable to renew your subscription? Well, turns out you’re exactly the sort of person Square Enix is aiming at with their new promotional campaign for the game.
Buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil http://www.mmoxe.com/FFXIV/

8% discount code--HIMMO
If you have a valid but inactive Final Fantasy XIV account and log into the game this month, you’ll be rewarded with 96 hours of free access to the game. You’ll have full access to all the game has to offer, but there is no mention of the Heavensward expansion so don’t go in expecting to be able to give that a try.
Just to make it clear, the promotion isn’t for 96 hours of play time, but for the amount of time the game will be available to you. When you first log in you will be given four days to play for as much as you like, and then after that your access will be revoked again.
This free access is running until December 31, however players logging in on December 28 or later won’t get the full 96 hours. You can read the full explanation of the event onLodestone.
Is this enough to drag you back to Eorzea? I might give it another try because I did like what I played, but the terribly confusing in-game maps made exploring a bit of a drag for me.


Final Fantasy XV: Kontroler dedykowany nowej części RPG

Jeśli jesteście zagorzałymi miłośnikami RPG-owej twórczości firmy Square-Enix to z pewnością zainteresuje was kontroler zaprojektowany z myślą o najnowszej odsłonie.

Czytaj więcej na http://gry.interia.pl/newsy/news-final-fantasy-xv-kontroler-dedykowany-nowej-czesci-rpg,nId,1930379#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=chrome

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Final Fantasy XV /materiały prasowe
Czy ktoś spodziewał się, że Final Fantasy XV - albo którekolwiek Final Fantasy - dostanie swojego pada do Xboksa One? Albo któregokolwiek Xboksa? Czasy się zmieniły. Pad powstał i wygląda... tak jak na obrazku poniżej:
Kontroler dedykowany grze Final Fantaxy XV. Źródło: play-asia.com /materiały źródłowe
Kontroler dedykowany grze Final Fantaxy XV. Źródło: play-asia.com
/materiały źródłowe
Sami musicie ocenić, czy podoba wam się to, co widzicie. Więcej obrazków na razie nie ma, bo nie ma i oficjalnej zapowiedzi - to, co widzicie, udostępnione zostało przez sklep Play-Asia -tutaj. Poczekamy, zobaczymy.

Czytaj więcej na http://gry.interia.pl/newsy/news-final-fantasy-xv-kontroler-dedykowany-nowej-czesci-rpg,nId,1930379#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=chrome